Well Water Quality

Residents are encouraged to have their domestic water tested annually by a state certified lab.

Some well water in New Hampshire may contain contaminants such as radon, uranium, and arsenic, which occur naturally in our bedrock. To help address these risks, the N.H. Department of Environmental Services (DES) has initiated a strategy to encourage homeowners with private wells to have the quality of their water tested periodically for a comprehensive roster of contaminants.

Have you had your well tested recently?

Drinking water from private wells in New Hampshire sometimes contains contaminants at levels that can pose health risks. Only a water quality test, by a competent laboratory, can assure that your family is protected.

What types of contaminants might be present in your well?

The following contaminants, some naturally occurring and others man-made, have been found in private well water in New Hampshire:

  • Arsenic, Bacteria, Fluoride, Nitrate, Radium, Sodium, Uranium, and Volatile Organic Chemicals (VOCs).

The N.H. Department of Enviromental Services has released an updated testing guidelines for PFAS.  

Where can you learn more about this?

Visit the N.H. Department of Environmental Services’ website. You may obtain a sampling bottle with instructions through this office.