Trunk or Treat

Newton Trunk or Treat
Trunk or Treat
Event Date: 
Saturday, October 28, 2023 - 4:30pm to 6:30pm

Trunk or Treat is Coming!

WE NEED TRUNKS or we will not be able to hold the event this year. Trunk or Treat is scheduled for October 28, 2023, from 4:30 to 6:30pm, behind the Memorial School, on 31 West Main Street. TRUNKS WANTED!

This is your chance to be creative and have a lot of fun. Participation is free. We are asking families, businesses, groups, and organizations to provide a vehicle trunk/tailgate/truck bed decorated in a family friendly Halloween theme and someone to pass out candy at your trunk. Individually wrapped candy, prizes, trinkets and business goodies are acceptable items. Costumes are encouraged. Dress up in coordination with your trunk's theme. A contest will be held for Trunks and Costumes in the categories of Best Overall, Scariest, Funniest, and Most Original.

Registered vehicles may arrive at the parking lot behind Memorial School for check-in beginning at 2:30pm. All Trunks should be ready to go by 4:15pm. For safety purposes, participating vehicles will not be allowed to leave the Trunk or Treat area until the event is over.

Send your registration details to the Recreation Commission ( Provide your individual name or business group, mailing address (street, city, state, zip code), phone number, email, and license plate number. Advanced registration is appreciated.

There will be music and food, also. The Recreation Commission is looking forward to this fun community event. 

We are always looking for volunteers!  Interested?  Email