275th Anniversary

Planning Meeting October 30, 2023

Newton will be 275 years old next year, and it will be a time to celebrate the Town's rich history. Long-time residents and those new to the Town are needed to plan events and memorable gatherings.

Newton has celebrated its anniversaries since 1949. Every 50 years, the Town marked the occasions with something special. There have been parades, special historic booklets. gatherings and more. These celebrations have been incredible as the Town remembers the past. Can you believe that in 1949 there were 110 volunteers who put on displays, brought the community together and made a mark in Newton's history?

Let's do it again! If you have ideas for the 275th anniversary or you want to join a great group of people wishing the Town a Happy Birthday, contact BOSSecretary@newtonnh.net. There is a meeting upstairs at the Town Hall on October 30 at 6:00p.m. Will we see you there?